Turn Back Time: Supporting Your Senior Pet’s Cognitive Health

Golden oldies. Wizened whiskers. Sage snouts. Grey-muzzled angels. No matter what you call them, senior pets are aged to perfection. However, age-related cognitive dysfunction syndrome ([CDS] i.e., pet dementia) can mar your pet’s golden years with confusion and fear. Preserve your fond memories by following our Bayview Animal Hospital team’s tips on protecting your four-legged [...]

9 Reasons Why Your Pet’s Eating or Drinking Habits Have Changed

Pets can’t tell us when they are in pain or feel unwell, but their behavior can give us important clues about their internal wellbeing. Your pet’s appetite and thirst are two major health indicators that can help you determine when to schedule an appointment with our Bayview Animal Hospital team. Learn nine reasons why your [...]

7 Signs That Indicate Your Pet Requires Veterinary Attention

When your pet is sick, prompt veterinary intervention is important to improve their prognosis. However, pets often hide pain and illness. Our Bayview Animal Hospital team wants your four-legged friend to get the care they need as soon as possible. Read our guide to the signs that indicate your pet requires veterinary attention.  #1: Your [...]

A Cat’s Gotta Scratch!

Cats’ destructive scratching is upsetting, but your whiskered pal isn’t doing this just to be a nuisance. Cats’ scratching is instinctual and necessary for their mental and physical wellbeing. Our Bayview Animal Hospital team wants to ensure destructive scratching doesn’t affect the bond you and your feline friend share. Learn why your cat’s gotta scratch, [...]

Famous Florida Bugs: Protecting Pets From Bites

As Floridians, we know that bugs are a year-round problem. Bugs thrive in our hot, humid climate, and can often bite and bother your pet. Various parasite and insect species may bite or sting your pet, leading to discomfort, a mild or life-threatening allergic reaction, or disease transmission. Our Bayview Animal Hospital team knows that [...]

Beat the Florida Summer Heat: Pet Safety Do’s and Don’ts

Because your pet lives in Florida where our year-round climate is warm, they can likely tolerate the heat pretty well. However, they are still at risk for heat-related illness when summer temperatures skyrocket. Pets who live in the South suffer heatstroke most often, and many do not recover from this deadly condition. To help you [...]

6 Noise Aversion Management Tips for Pet Owners

Does your pet hide when a thunderstorm rolls through or crouch in terror during a fireworks display? Many pets react fearfully to noise, and the condition can have a negative effect on their quality of life. Our Bayview Animal Hospital team doesn’t want your pet to live in fear, and we offer noise aversion management [...]

July Fourth Pet Tales

July Fourth brings to mind cookouts, pool parties, and impressive fireworks displays, but the festivities can be dangerous and stressful for your pet. Our Bayview Animal Hospital team wants you and your pet to enjoy the patriotic holiday, and we asked some pet friends to explain their July Fourth experiences to help demonstrate the perils [...]

The Importance of Early Detection of Chronic Kidney Disease in Pets

Pets don’t typically exhibit chronic kidney disease (CKD) signs in the condition’s initial stages, making detection difficult. However, early diagnosis helps improve affected pets’ longevity, quality of life, and overall prognosis. Our Bayview Animal Hospital team wants to ensure your pet lives their best life, and we provide information to highlight the importance of early [...]

3 Reasons Your Pet is So Itchy

Is your pet constantly scratching, licking, and rolling around on their back? Occasional scratching is normal, but if the signs become excessive, your pet may have allergic dermatitis (i.e., skin allergies) or other skin maladies that require veterinary treatment. Our Bayview Animal Hospital team shares three common reasons your pet may have itchy skin. #1: [...]

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